My personal list of films made by Black filmmakers that are still on my “Need to Watch” list. post updated with asterisks once I have watched the movie:
Within Our Gates by Oscar Micheaux (USA, 1920)
Black Girl by Ousmane Sembène (Senegal/France, 1966)
Black Girl by Ousmane Sembène (Senegal/France, 1966)
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One by William Greaves (USA, 1968) *
The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks (USA, 1969)
I Am Somebody by Madeline Anderson (USA, 1970)
Sweet Sweetback's Baad Asssss Song by Melvin Van Peebles (USA, 1971)
Ganja & Hess by Bill Gunn (USA, 1973)
De Cierta Manera by Sara Gomez (Cuba, 1974)
De Cierta Manera by Sara Gomez (Cuba, 1974)
El otro Francisco by Sergio Giral (Cuba, 1974)
Touki Bouki by Djibril Diop Mambéty (Senegal, 1976)
Touki Bouki by Djibril Diop Mambéty (Senegal, 1976)
Baara by Souleymane Cisse (Mali, 1978)
Killer of Sheep by Charles Burnett (USA, 1978)
Killer of Sheep by Charles Burnett (USA, 1978)
Bush Mama by Halie Gerima (USA, 1979)
L’éxilé by Oumarou Ganda (Niger/France, 1980)
Home Feeling: Struggle for a Community by Jennifer Hodge de Silva (Canada, 1983)
Bless Their Little Hearts by Billy Woodberry (USA, 1983)
Chameleon Street by Wendell B. Harris Jr (USA, 1989)
Daughters of the Dust by Julie Dash (USA, 1991)
Malcolm X by Spike Lee (USA, 1992)
Malcolm X by Spike Lee (USA, 1992)
Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. by Leslie Harris (USA, 1992)
Speak It! From the Heart of Nova Scotia by Claire Prieto (Canada, 1992)
My Footsteps in Baragua by Gloria Rolando (Cuba, 1995)
Black is... Black Ain't by Marlon Riggs (USA, 1995)
Black is... Black Ain't by Marlon Riggs (USA, 1995)
Set It Off by F. Gary Grey (USA, 1996)
The Sheikh’s Blessing by Gadalla Gubara (Sudan, 1998)
Another Planet by Christene Browne (Canada, 1999)
Black Soul by Sylvia Hamilton (Canada, 2000)
Black Soul by Sylvia Hamilton (Canada, 2000)
Brother to Brother by Rodney Evans (USA, 2004)
Pariah by Dee Rees (USA, 2011)
Pariah by Dee Rees (USA, 2011)
An Oversimplification of Her Beauty by Terence Nance (USA, 2012)
Fruitvale Station by Ryan Coogler (USA, 2013)
Dear White People by Justin Simien (USA, 2014)
13th by Ava DuVernay (USA, 2016)
I Am Not Your Negro by Raoul Peck (USA/Haiti, 2016)
Black Mother by Khalik Allah (Jamaica/USA, 2018) *
Black Mother by Khalik Allah (Jamaica/USA, 2018)